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For me, a big part of being a writer has also been about helping other people appreciate the writing process. 

As a part-time lecturer at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), I have been a course chair for several media writing modules  and have also created curriculum for such courses. 

I also run creative and media writing workshops for schools and organisations such as Raffles Girls’ School, Singapore Book Council and Lien Centre for Social Innovation. 

I’ve also been a speaker and/or moderator at the following events/organisations in the capacity of a book author: 

– All In! Young Writers Festival

– Asian Festival of Children’s Content

– National Heritage Board

– National Library Board 

– School of Thought 

– Singapore Writers Festival

– Speak Good English Movement Symposium 

– Words Go Round


If you’d like me to speak at your an event or run a workshop for your school/organisation, feel free to drop me a line at mel [AT] melanielee [DOT]
